Treatment For Sensitive Teeth

Anaheim Hills cosmetic dental and tooth implants

For those people who feel tooth pain when you sip your morning coffee, or who cringe each time you brush or floss, Michelsen Dental in Orange CA is here for you. The first line of defense against tooth sensitivity is proper oral hygiene. Incorrect brushing and over-brushing can lead to receding gums, which causes the…

Beware Of Hidden Sugar

preventative dentistry in Villa Park

At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we tell our patients to watch their sugar intake in order to prevent cavities and other health issues. If you are trying to get as much sugar out of your diet as possible, you are probably skipping the usual suspects: candy, soda, and baked treats. But not all sugar…

Protect Teeth From Cracks

Anaheim Hills cosmetic dental and adult braces

Ouch! No one wants the pain and inconvenience of a cracked tooth, so in this blog post from Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we are going to focus on how to avoid this preventable problem. The first thing to remember is that avoiding a cracked tooth is not rocket science. You should steer clear of…

Between-Meal Cleaning

At Michelsen Dental, we constantly remind our patients to brush and floss their teeth. And most of our patients take that advice to heart. But what are you supposed to do in the middle of the day? You’re out and about, and your usual stuff – that favorite toothpaste, the container of dental floss –…

Schedule Your Coronation

dentist crowns Orange

We treat all of our patients royally here at Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, but some of them receive actual crowns. Not the crowns a king or queen wears, but crowns for your teeth! If you live near Tustin, Michelsen Dental is the best place to get your teeth looking better than ever. And putting…

Why Visit The Dentist?

  At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, many of our regular patients tell us that they went through a long period where going to the dentist was not anywhere near the top of their to-do lists. Then something changed. Now they consider seeing us for a checkup twice a year as a fundamental part of…

Ouch! Are Your Teeth Sensitive?

Are Your Teeth Sensitive In Orange?

For those of you in the Orange CA area who feel pain when you sip your morning coffee, or cringe each time you brush or floss, Michelsen Dental is here for you. The first line of defense against tooth sensitivity is proper oral hygiene. Incorrect brushing and over-brushing can result in receding gums, which leads…