How Long After a Tooth Extraction Do I Need to Wait for a Dental Implant?

Digital illustration of a dental implantHave you been told that you need a tooth extraction because of extensive decay, injury, or another oral health issue? An extraction is never your dentist’s first choice, but sometimes one is necessary to preserve the health of the rest of your smile. Fortunately, there are a variety of options for replacing missing teeth once they have been lost. Dental implants are a preferred method because they offer a strong foundation for your new teeth, and they can last for many years when properly cared for. But how long do you need to wait until you can replace your missing tooth? Continue reading to find out.

How Long Should You Wait Before Getting a Dental Implant?

The amount of time between your extraction and your dental implant surgery will depend on a few different factors. Usually, one of the following situations occurs.

Immediate Dental Implant Placement

If you have healthy gum tissue and a sufficient jawbone, your dentist may be able to place your dental implant immediately after your extraction. This may be the case if you are losing your tooth due to an injury or accident. Over the next three to six months, the fusion process, also known as osseointegration, occurs. Then, you will be ready to have your restoration attached.

Early Dental Implant Placement

In this case, the dental implant placement procedure will occur about two to three months after your extraction. The reason for this delay is to allow for the damaged hums and supporting tissue to heal before the dental implant is placed. As much as half of bone resorption can occur within the first three months after an extraction, so having the dental implant placed as soon as possible is super important.

Delayed Dental Implant Placement

If you have had a decayed tooth for a long time, your gums and supporting tissue are likely not in optimal condition. You may have even already started experiencing bone loss. When this occurs, you may require a bone graft to give you enough bone stability to support the dental implant. Bone graft procedures usually require about three to six months of healing before dental implant placement is a viable option. Once the dental implant is placed, another three to six months are needed before your restoration can be delivered.

If you have an extraction coming up, talk to your dentist about your tooth replacement options. This way, you can put together a plan to best meet your smile’s unique needs!

About the Practice

At Michelsen Dental, we have a team of four skilled dentists serving patients in Orange. With their combined expertise, patients can get pretty much anything they need under one roof, including dental implants! To learn more about dental implants or to schedule a consultation, visit our website or call (714) 492-1169.