Our Top Priority At Michelsen Dental In Orange

Orange teeth bleaching best price

At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, our passion is helping patients achieve and maintain excellent dental health and a beautiful smile. We have considerable experience, advanced skills, and exacting standards to ensure the ultimate in patient satisfaction. Because each patient has singular dental needs, we develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their challenges and…

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Anaheim Hills tooth implants cost

This post from Michelsen Dental in Orange CA explains why it’s difficult to find out the cost of dental implants in an online search. Trying to find the cost and getting a simple answer can be frustrating. But there is a reason for that. It can be confusing to research the cost of getting a…

Making The Cost Of Dental Treatment Palatable

cost of dental crowns Santa Ana

A healthy smile is priceless, and superior dental care is a worthwhile investment. At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we are committed to superior dentistry and to maintaining the dental health of each of our patients. The cost for treatment and precision restorations can sometimes be prohibitive. Knowing what to expect price-wise when you go…

Treatment For Sensitive Teeth

Anaheim Hills cosmetic dental and tooth implants

For those people who feel tooth pain when you sip your morning coffee, or who cringe each time you brush or floss, Michelsen Dental in Orange CA is here for you. The first line of defense against tooth sensitivity is proper oral hygiene. Incorrect brushing and over-brushing can lead to receding gums, which causes the…

Making Life Sweet?

Categories: Dental health

Most of us consume far too much sugar. That isn’t exactly a news flash, but at Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we want to remind you what it is that sugar can do to your teeth, and what you can do about it. We get cavities when acids in the mouth attack the enamel and…

Not Too Late To Get Them Straight

Anaheim Hills cosmetic dental and adult braces

Are you an adult with misaligned teeth? Do you regret not having orthodontic treatment when you were a teen? It’s not too late to straighten your teeth – and at Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, you can do it more discreetly than you may imagine with clear braces. If you don’t want the whole world…