A wise person once said that everyone wants a long life, but no one wants to get old. Yet it happens. While some challenges that come with aging can’t be avoided, others can. At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we help patients of all ages with their dental health issues. Gaps In Your Smile? Many dental…
Dental health
Tonsil Questions?

In this blog post from Michelsen Dental in Oranage CA, we are going to discuss the two lumps of soft tissue in the back of the throat—the tonsils. Your tonsils sit at the base of the tongue, one on each side. They are small masses of lymphoid tissue. As such, they are part of your…
Yes, We Treat Bad Breath

At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, our patients sometimes ask if mouthwash cures bad breath. Our answer? Treating bad breath with mouthwash is like drenching yourself with cologne instead of taking a shower. Mouthwash is only a temporary mask for odor caused by poor oral hygiene, tongue bacteria, or digestive ailments. Many of them contain alcohol,…
Six 10-Second Healthy Tooth Helps

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time to improve your oral hygiene. In this post from Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we remind you that you can form a new habit to benefit your oral health in 10 seconds. Here are six ways to add essential dental care to each day in 60 seconds…
The Michelsen Dental Guide To Preventing Gum Disease

One of every ten American adults is likely to get some form of gum disease by the time they’re sixty-four years old. At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we provide treatment for gum disease. We take gum disease very seriously. It is a leading cause of tooth loss, and is associated with health issues like…
Do You Have Periodontal Disease?

Gum disease is more common than you might think. At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we see patients with gum disease every day. Some patients aren’t even aware they have it until we diagnose it. Fortunately, gum disease is a treatable condition, although the sooner it’s caught and treatment begun, the better. What is gum…
What Happens If You Keep Using an Old Toothbrush?
It’s easy to become attached to familiar objects, and that includes the tools you use to clean your teeth. Like a comfortable pair of slippers, that toothbrush you use every night may have an easy, cozy feel you’re not ready to give up just yet. But at Michelsen Dental in Orange CA we want you…
What Is General Dentistry?
If you explored our website before landing on this blog, you have may noticed the term “general dentistry” on the menu, along with other services. “General dentistry” may sound bland, but it isn’t. At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, it’s your assurance that we can diagnose and treat your most essential issues, and ensure your…
Is Tooth Decay Contagious?

This message from Michelsen Dental in Orange CA is about tooth decay and bacteria. Your mouth has a thriving community of bacteria. There are from 200-300 types. But relatively few cause tooth decay. Bacteria that cause tooth decay are in the mutans streptococcus family. The bacteria mix with sugar. This mixture creates a powerful acid.…
Preventing Gum Disease At Michelsen Dental

This message from Michelsen Dental in Orange CA is about gum disease, and what you can do to prevent it. Run your tongue along the gumline behind your lower front teeth. Do you feel a ridge? This is probably tartar, also known as dental calculus. Even if you brush and floss regularly, plaque and tartar…