3 Reasons Dental Implants Are Worth the Investment

Digital model showing parts of dental implantIf you’ve lost a tooth or two, you have many options to restore a complete smile, like dental implants. 500,000 people per year are choosing them to treat their tooth loss, despite their higher cost compared to other options. Although you may pay more initially, here are 3 reasons dental implants are worth every penny. 


1. They Look and Feel Natural

A dental implant is a revolutionary treatment because it is the only method to replace both the root and the crown. 


A titanium post is surgically placed into the jawbone to replicate a root. The jaw fuses to the post through a process called osseointegration. An abutment is attached to the post after the bone has healed to connect a customized restoration made of high-quality materials. Your dental implant will look and feel like a real tooth.


2. They Preserve Jawbone for Better Oral Health

You can lose 25% of your jaw’s density within the first year of missing a tooth, which will continue to shrink as time passes because it isn’t being stimulated by the root. Over time, your remaining teeth can shift, increasing your risk of cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. You can also look years older from sunken cheeks, sagging skin, and wrinkles because your facial tissues won’t have enough support.


Traditional tooth replacement methods only recreate the portions of your tooth above the gum line, so they can’t stop bone loss.


A dental implant replaces the entire tooth, stimulating new bone growth to preserve your jaw. Not only will you look younger, but you’ll improve your oral health. You’ll be less likely to need costly treatments later to save money down the road.


3. You Won’t Have to Budget for Replacements

Dental implants have over a 95% success rate and an average lifespan of 30+ years. As a result, they are the most cost-effective method to replace a lost tooth. Traditional bridges and dentures have to be replaced every few years, which can get expensive over time. Dental implants can last for a lifetime, so you’ll never have to budget for replacements. 


Options for Making Dental Implants Affordable

Dental implants are more affordable than you might believe. The process takes many steps, each with separate fees. You won’t have to come up with a lump sum, giving you more time to pay. 


You can also use your dental insurance to offset the cost. Although your benefits won’t cover the entire amount, they can lower your out-of-pocket responsibility for certain steps in your plan.


Many dental practices accept third-party financing, like CareCredit. You can make monthly payments based on your credit approval.

You can invest in the best with dental implants.


About Dr. Renu Michelsen

Dr. Michelsen achieved her dental degree from the University of the Pacific Art A. Dugoni School of Dentistry and has regularly continued her education in many specialties, including dental implants. She is a proud member of many professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. Request an appointment through our website or call (724) 598-2049.