How Will Getting Dentures Affect Your Nutrition?

Senior couple smiling and eating a saladOne of the biggest benefits of getting dentures is that they allow you to once again eat various kinds of foods, thus greatly expanding your diet options. But while dentures can definitely help improve your quality of life by restoring your chewing ability, they are not without their drawbacks. Studies have found that dentures can have a negative impact on nutrition; here are the facts behind this link as well as a look at a potential solution.

Dentures and Nutrition

Traditional dentures rest on your gums and stay in place thanks to natural suction. Because of this, there is a limit to how much chewing power they can offer compared to your natural teeth. Consequently, there will still be many foods that you will need to stay away from even with your prosthesis, such as chewy meats or starchy potatoes.

Obviously, the fact that you will be unable to eat certain foods can make maintaining a nutritious diet more difficult. On top of that, when it comes to the foods that you are still able to enjoy, you may find it more difficult to chew them properly. This can be a problem because if you swallow food before it has been sufficiently broken down, your stomach won’t be able to digest it as easily, which ultimately makes it harder for your body to absorb vital nutrients.

How Can You Improve Nutrition with Dentures?

Obviously, good nutrition is vital for maintaining your overall health. As such, if you currently rely on dentures, you may be wondering what you can do to ensure that you’re getting the nutrition that you need. In fact, there is a solution that may be worth considering: having your dentures attached to dental implants.

Four to eight dental implant posts can be inserted into the jaw to act as artificial roots for a full denture. Not only will the posts keep the teeth from slipping or shifting, but they will also provide chewing power that’s comparable to that of your natural teeth. As such, you will be able to eat virtually any kind of food again, and it will be easier to chew your meals as thoroughly as you need to.

If you have concerns about the impact that your dentures may be having on your nutrition, let your dentist know. They can determine whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants, and they can help you explore other possible steps to take as well.

About the Practice

At Michelsen Dental, our dentists aim to treat every patient with compassion and kindness while taking advantage of the latest technology. If you have lost multiple teeth, we can fill in the space in your smile with dentures or dental implants. To schedule a consultation at our office in Orange, visit our website or call (714) 492-1169.