A wise person once said that everyone wants a long life, but no one wants to get old. Yet it happens. While some challenges that come with aging can’t be avoided, others can. At Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we help patients of all ages with their dental health issues. Gaps In Your Smile? Many dental…
Dental implants
Is A Tooth Implant The Same As A Dental Crown?

What’s the difference between a dental implant and a crown? The relationship betweenthe two can be confusing. They can be combined in one procedure. And both can be used with other restorations. In this post from Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, we’ll try to clear up the confusion. 1. A dental implant can work as a…
How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

This post from Michelsen Dental in Orange CA explains why it’s difficult to find out the cost of dental implants in an online search. Trying to find the cost and getting a simple answer can be frustrating. But there is a reason for that. It can be confusing to research the cost of getting a…
Spotlight-Ready Smiles From Michelsen Dental

A mouth full of unattractive teeth can really detract from a person’s appearance. Having a red-carpet-worthy smile, like what we can create with cosmetic dentistry at Michelsen Dental in Orange CA, can bring you increased satisfaction and confidence in your social interactions. What does cosmetic dentistry involve? It’s an umbrella term for a group of…
A Great Achievement in Dentistry

Dental implants have been hailed as one of the truly great advances in the field of dentistry, and with good reason. Implants are an artificial tooth root that is surgically implanted into the jaw of a patient, to replace a missing root. The implant, in turn, can support an artificial tooth; multiple implants can anchor…
The Health And Beauty Consequences Of Missing Teeth

Today’s message from Michelsen Dental in Orange CA focuses on missing teeth, bone health, and dental implants. Our teeth have many essential functions. We need them to chew our food, talk, and smile. But have you ever considered their role in holding up your face? When we lose teeth, the bone around the site of…